2018 Huston-Tillotson Summer Bridge Program

The Huston-Tillotson Summer Bridge Program is a six-week program focusing on Self-Awareness for the incoming freshman at Huston-Tillotson University.  The 100 BMOA goal is to prepare the students for success in college and prepare for the future.

Week One: Finding Yourself

▪ Passion

▪ Define Your Strengths

▪ The Three C’s (Courage, Character, Confidence)

▪ Transition from home to college.

Week Two: Defining Yourself

▪ If You Don’t, They Will

▪ Brand Yourself

▪ Be Real

▪ Educational Plan (Courses, Internships, GPA, Etc.)

Week Three: Establishing and Controlling Your Image

▪ Clear and Defined

▪ Consistent Image

▪ It Takes a Commitment

▪ Live It Every Day

▪ Relationships on campus (Student life, Community)

Week Four: Sharpening Your Brand

▪ Authenticity is Key (always be authentic)

▪ Transparency

▪ Relationship

▪ Financial Literacy (Financial Goals, Scholarships, School / Life Balance)

Week Five: Appearance Matters

▪ First Impressions

▪ Rise Out of The Crowd

▪ True Reflection

▪ Dress For Success

▪ Etiquette

Week Six: Branding Personality Traits

▪ Identify Your Unique Values

▪ Be Bold/ Think Outside The Box

▪ Fail. Learn. Apply. Succeed.

▪ Leadership (Recap of the institute)

▪ Words from the Wise

▪ Lessons Learned

▪ Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations